A report on Giving and Generosity in the Church

Take The 2016 State of the Plate Survey

The 6th installment of ground breaking research on church giving that will reveal the financial, giving, and spiritual practices of more than 1000 survey participants from mainline, evangelical, non-denominational, Baptist, and other groups. Co-sponsors of this national research include ChurchMag, Elvanto, ChurchOS, Apollo Apps, Tithe.ly and MAXIMUM Generosity.

State of the Plate Church Giving Research
Tithe.ly Church Giving
About the 2016 Report

State of the Plate Report

The 2016 State of the Plate report intends to explore generosity in the Church. Our mission is to help uncover and surface key insights for churches across Australia, Canada and the United States of America. By doing so, it is our hope and prayer that church leaders will be more educated and equipped ... allowing them to tean, train, and encourage their congregations to grow generosity!

This report will give you insight into:

  • Church Giving Trends in the US, Canada, & Australia.
  • Digital Giving Trends (online, mobile, text, kiosk, bank transfer).
  • How church giving will perform in light of the economy.
  • How often people attend church and the impact on giving.
  • What percentage of churchgoers give.
  • If churchgoers give to places other then their church and if so, where.
  • Best practices used to teach generosity & increase giving.
  • The use of church capital fundraising campaigns.
  • The role of estate, will, and legacy giving.
Take the Survey in 10 Minutes

We'll send you $150 in free generosity resources.

We're grateful for you taking the time!

Get $150 in Free Generosity Resources

In appreciation for your help, we would like to give you FREE THANK YOU eGIFTS ($150+ Value) for you and your church. This year's research will primarily focus on people's personal financial, giving, and Christian practices that impacts their generosity. Working together on this research, we can provide valuable insights that will help thousands of individuals, churches, pastors, and leaders.

Take the Survey in 10 Minutes

We'll send you $150 in free generosity resources.

40 Day Generous Life Devotional APP
40 Day to a Generous Life Devotional App
Because I Love you - A Christian Legacy Organizer
Because I Love you - A Christian Legacy Organizer
Open Handed Living App
Open Handed Living App
Experience God as Your Provider
Experience God as Your Provider
How to increase church egiving
eBook: How to Increase Church Giving
Preaching & Writing Guide on Money & Generosity
eBook: Preaching & Writing Guide on Money & Generosity
How to Increase Giving to your Church or Ministry
How to Increase Giving to your Church or Ministry
Tithing Research
eBook: Extensive Research on 4,413 people who donate 10%+
2016 State of the Plate Results
2016 State of the Plate Results
State of The Plate Press Coverage

Previous reports have generated 400+ news stories, headlines, and interviews!

The State of the Plate research has received major media coverage through Washington Times (front page story), NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, Associated Press Radio, NPR, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, USA Radio Network, Prime Time America, Chronicle of Philanthropy, and over 400 newspaper and print publications around the world.

Take the Survey in 10 Minutes

We'll send you $150 in free generosity resources.